Letter to the Editor: To Stop Youths From Becoming Disconnected, We Need to Reach Them When They're Children Chicago Tribune posts letter written by Executive Director, Taal Hasak-Lowy.
Phalon Carpenter Featured on NBC Chicago's Making a Difference Report Woman looks to pay it forward after mentoring changed her life.
Friends of the Children–Chicago Featured in Chicago Tribune Chicago Forward series "Chicago Forward – Young lives in the balance" is a six-month initiative that will feature Friends–Chicago.
Friends–Chicago Featured on Chicago Unheard Friends of the Children–Chicago builds vital bridge between families and schools.
Friends–Chicago Executive Director and Program Director Interview on ABC Chicago's Building a Better Chicago Friends of the Children–Chicago offers long-term mentorship for youth facing multiple systemic obstacles.
Chicago Tribune: Kids Exposed to Violence Friends of the Children–Chicago featured in Chicago Tribune article.
Friends–Chicago Executive Director Taal Hasak-Lowy Interviewed on The Jam Breaking the cycle of generational poverty, abuse and violence.