September 25, 2024

Dae's Journey with Self-Regulation

Dae is a high energy goofball who loves Sonic the Hedgehog. When Dae joined our program 2.5 years ago, he was very reactive. Whenever he felt he was being treated unfairly his anger would take control.

For the past few years Dae and his Professional Mentor, Willie, have been exploring strategies to help him calm down when he is feeling frustrated. Over time he has learned to use deep breathing, play, sensory tools, comfort items, movement, and vocalizing his needs to self-regulate.

Last Friday these strategies came into full use. There was a smoothie party in the Clubhouse, and Dae did not like his smoothie. Dae felt left out, frustrated, and began pacing around the room. Willie noticed his behavior and took Dae into the hallway to ask him what was going on. Dae expressed his feelings and Willie validated them. Together they came up with a way for Dae to best respond to the situation.

First, Dae and Willie played a literacy game to boost his confidence. Once he felt ready, Dae went up to Daquana, who was making the smoothies, and shared with her that he had not gotten the smoothie he had asked for. Daquana apologized and told him she would make him a new smoothie.

This story may seem simple, but for Dae it is a huge victory in his ability to regulate his emotions and vocalize his feelings.

This is what is possible when you invest in youth and the power of intentional individualized relationships with Professional Mentors who are highly trained in how the brain works and trauma-informed care.

Want to learn more about our proven model from experts in Social Work and Psychology?


Join us on October 18th at 8:30am in River North for a panel discussion. Free and open to the public, this panel will explore how Professional Mentors can help children recover from trauma and thrive.

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