March 31, 2021

Making Goals a Reality

Nothing can stop our youths from reaching their goals!

Leila* has really grown socially since having a mentor. These days she is more prone to advocate for herself and has learned the importance of self-determination. Self-determination is an important Core Asset in our program that encourages each youth to believe in themselves and the strength of their innate talents. By being self-assured in their determination, youth can learn how to set goals and achieve them. For example, Leila is currently spending Spring Break with her Grandma Gwen on the south side and recently called her mentor Melanie to ask her to come there to visit her. Melanie encouraged her to talk to her Grandma, share her mentor’s phone number with her, and ask for permission for the two of them to spend time together. Leila followed through and Melanie was able to coordinate a visit for the two of them over break. We're so proud of Leila!

*Youth's name changed to protect their identity