June 18, 2020

Hopes and Dreams for our Children

Every child has hopes and dreams. And every parent wants their child to succeed.

The children in our program all have aspirations to be something great when they grow up: a teacher, basketball player, doctor, firefighter, nurse, actor, veterinarian . . .

Friends of the Children–Chicago's parents share their hopes and dreams for their child.

Unfortunately, the reality is that every child does not have access to the same opportunities.

The children in our program were born into circumstances and systems that place great obstacles in their way. Without intervention and additional support, these obstacles are often insurmountable.

Friends of the Children–Chicago helps close the opportunity gap.

We commit to each child starting in kindergarten, for 12+ years – no matter what. Each child is paired with a trained, salaried, professional mentor (called a Friend). Our Friends:

  • Ensure that each family’s basic needs are met so that our children are safe and have adequate access to food and housing.
  • Provide consistent, positive support to navigate through difficult times and celebrate accomplishments.
  • Help children develop their social and emotional skills and expand their positive relationships to build social capital.
  • Focus on academic development and enrichment.

It’s this long-term, in-depth commitment that makes Friends of the Children–Chicago's unique. It’s this long-term, in-depth commitment that empowers our children to succeed.

Our children need us Now More Than Ever. With your help, we can create real change.

Please help us reach our goal of raising $30,000 by the end of June. Your donation will help change the trajectory of a child’s life. Thank you!

Taal Hasak-Lowy, Executive Director