We made a promise to Rashawn*, the same promise we make to each and every child in our program - a professional mentor for 12.5 years. No Matter What.

Thank you for helping ensure we keep our promise.

We have shown up for Rashawn* for the past 6 years; week after week, month after month, year after year. We have celebrated each of his academic achievements, touchdowns, lay-ups, and birthdays. We have stayed by his side as he navigates conflict, grief, and housing instability. We have loved on, encouraged, and empowered him every step of the way. We've watched him learn and grow and become more self aware and emotionally intelligent. We will continue to be by his side for whatever the future holds.

This is what you make possible for Rashawn and many more kids like him in our program. A Friend who loves them, believes in them, and shows up. No Matter What.

You are making a real difference for Chicago's children. One child and one mentor at a time.